Press RELEASE 2019

Snowsport England Launches ‘Snow More Stigma’

 Snowsport England -

 The organisation has teamed up with expert mental health consultant,Natalie Pennicotte-Collier to deliver the campaign. Over the past decade Natalie Pennicotte-Collier Mind Tonic Therapy, has been at the forefront of elite sport performance Sleep Performance wellbeing, and is now leading on the ‘Snow More Stigma’ campaign to create awareness of mental health & sleep wellbeing in snowsports.

 The campaign already has support from snowsport athletes including Dave Ryding (aka ‘The Rocket’), Billy Morgan, Rowan Cheshire and Paralympic champions Menna Fitzpatrick MBE and Jen Kehoe MBE. A series of short athlete videos will be released over the coming year to drive awareness of mental health and help end stigma Talent

How to Get the Mental Edge in Sport with The Mindcoach

You won the evolutionary lottery, You are the lucky owner of the most evolved biological system on planet earth: your amazing Mind Body, with the powerhouse of a stunning sleep & nervous system. 

And how do athletes use their amazing neurology to gain the competitive edge in elite sport through the


It’s a bit like owning a Ferrari and never knowing it can shift up from first gear. In Western culture, at least, priority has been given to the conscious mind over the unconscious, which is like driving a car and never considering all the moving parts that exist inside, below the surface coverings.

In sport today the edge is to be found in 360 Wellbeing – clinical hypnotherapy and mindfulness for mental wealth. Increasingly, performance directors are looking at modern clinical hypnotherapy and mindful wellbeing for mental wealth, performance and also for injury wellbeing support

We know that mental health & sleep are two of the biggest drivers to wellbeing. Within elite sport, I coach athletes and workplace talent to understand how to optimize their entire neurology, multiple brains, and help them appreciate that the mind and body are not separate at all. 

Performing under pressure

Nearly 400 years after French philosopher Descartes’ separation of the mind and body, new neuroscience evidence shows something very different – that our minds and bodies have evolved in exquisite harmony so perfectly integrated that it is impossible to consider one without the other. 

When it comes to optimum health and performance, it is impossible to overstate the importance of training our awareness towards, and responding to, the sensations we experience throughout our whole system, be that with food and drink, rest and relaxation. 
Once we have tuned in and really understood our subconscious signals, we can use mindcoaching patterns of excellence and hypnotherapy to change and transform negative, reactive feelings and behaviours

Mental wealth and athletic performance

I work with a vast array of wonderful humans in sport, with elite and amateur athletes in my London Clinic Despite their differences in level and/or sport, they all face similar challenges to their mental wealth and performance.   Feelings of self-doubt at times anxiety, depression, stress, inability to maintain focus, sleep difficulties, life balance, confidence, the list goes on..

So when my athletes need to step up but are having trouble finding the right mindset, one of the first tools and techniques I rely on for transformation is a specialist sleep programme. Sleep is one of the biggest drivers to mood, mindset and performance.  I then coach my athletes on further with mindfulness and hypnotherapy techniques – all of which combined can really aid performance.

Reframing emotions is also another highly powerful and useful tool an athlete can view nerves and discomfort not as a sign to be more prepared, but as a sign that she/he needs to loosen up, become more flexible. That’s where using neurology comes into play:

  • Mindcoaching can help switch our neurology into an operative state, instead of a fight/flight/freeze reactive state.  

  • CALM FLOW becomes the default setting for our nervous system, so that we do not have to be consciously thinking of changing our breathing or body scanning.

  • Athletes can learn how to train their neurology to develop and access optimal ‘states'. Be that states of resilience, excellence, relaxation, focus or whatever you choose, as and when you require it. 

So the question is: now we know of these compelling wellbeing frontiers - when are YOU going to use these findings for your own performance and true wellbeing? 

If you want to learn more about GB Performance Mindcoaching or Book a workshop please get in Touch

Sleep 360 - Powering Elite Performance

Mindfulness delivers strategies to disengage or step back from negative thinking, which reduces underperformance and exhaustion and at the same time promotes heightened concentrationawareness and efficacy

Successful athletes who speak of playing in the zone’, or in the ‘flow’, or from intuition, are describing what it feels like to perform in the presentbody and mind attuned, working together.
When you are playing your game right on time, in the present, you perform at your best.
Why? Because in the present there is no pressure. Pressure is created by anxieties (negative thinking) about the future and remembered failures from the past’